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Network Experiment Configuration

This chapter explains a complete experiment configuration for AMNES using a simple example. First of all, the experimental network and its different scenarios are explained. After that, the creation of the required AMNES project configuration is shown step by step.


For the experiment execution AMNES must be installed on all network devices, which should be controlled. Please note that you can only use AMNES standard modules and self-developed modules within an experiment. In addition, specified node addresses and ports must be accessible by the AMNES controller and the specified testbed links have to be existent.

As an example for the experiment configuration with AMNES we investigate the use of Multipath-TCP (MPTCP)1 with two network connections. In this case, two endpoints, representing for example a client and a web server, are connected via two paths.

Example Testbed

For this experiment the experiment testbed is configured as follows: Two endpoints (client and server) are connected to two ethernet bridges that represent two different paths. No direct connections between the endpoints were used, allowing bandwidth limitations and packet delays on the paths to be configured using Traffic Control2 without direct optimization by the kernels of the respective endpoints. The following figure illustrates the structure described above.

Example Testbed

Experiment Design

The necessary random traffic is generated using the tool iperf33, with the iperf3 server being started on endpoint A and the iperf3 client on endpoint B. Traffic Control is used on the bridges to set bandwidth limits and delay the packet flow. The tool tcpdump4, which is started for both network interfaces of endpoint A, is used to record the data traffic for evaluation. The ethernet bridges as well as the endpoints are realized by virtual machines. An instance of the AMNES Worker runs on all virtual machines, which is responsible for measuring and starting data transfers on the endpoints and for configuring Traffic Control on the ethernet bridges. Furthermore, all virtual machines are located in a seperate network that is used by the externally running AMNES controller for control and data exchange.

When running an experiment, the ethernet bridges are configured according to the desired scenarios via Traffic Control and the correct MPTCP settings are made on the endpoints. After that, the iperf3 client running on endpoint B sends randomized data to the iperf3 server running on endpoint A for two minutes. When the measurement is complete, the the previously set configurations are reverted.

Configure the corresponding AMNES project

In the following section, the creation of the corresponding YAML configuration for this example experiment is explained step by step. First of all, the AMNES project, which represents the entire network configuration with additional possible parameterizations, must be named with a slug. In addition, you can also specify a name and a more detailed description.

# AMNES Example Project
slug: amnes-example
name: AMNES Example Project
description: Simple example project for the AMNES documentation.
After that, the actual configuration can be started. The first thing to do is to specify how often a single concrete experiment is to be executed with exactly one parameter assignment. In our case we choose 10 to guarantee a sufficient statistical accuracy for the results.
# Config
repetitions: 10

Defining NodeTasks

The next step is to define the tasks to be executed later during an experiment.


To be able to use these definitions several times and for a better overview, YAML node anchors5 are used under the key .ignored. All underlying definitions are ignored when importing the experiment later. It is also possible to insert these parts directly at the intended position.

Here we first define two different ways of handling output from executed tasks that we want to use later. With to_devnull we discard the output from STDOUT and STDIN. The to_file definition redirects the two streams into separate files and stores them persistently for evaluation.

# Anchors and Templates
  # Destinations for generated Output
    to_devnull: &out_dest_devnull
      stdout: "DEVNULL"
      stderr: "DEVNULL"
    to_file: &out_dest_files
      stdout: "out.txt"
      stderr: "err.txt"
Now we can define our first real tasks. To do this, we start by recording the incoming and outgoing packets over both network interfaces at endpoint A with the tcpdump module. As parameters we pass a custom command and a timeout. After this time the task should be finished, but no error should occur. Therefore we set timeouterr to False. In addition to this, we use the anchor we just defined to store the output in files.
  # TCPDump Tasks
    tcpdump_enp0s9: &task_tcpdump_enp0s9
      module: amnes.modules.TcpDump
        <<: *out_dest_files
        custom: "-U -n -i enp0s9 -s 150 -w -"
        timeout: "140"
        timeouterr: "False"
    tcpdump_enp0s10: &task_tcpdump_enp0s10
      module: amnes.modules.TcpDump
        <<: *out_dest_files
        custom: "-U -n -i enp0s10 -s 150 -w -"
        timeout: "140"
        timeouterr: "False"
The next step is to define our rate and delay limits on the bridges using the NetEm module. Here we use placeholders of the type [[___]] instead of the concrete values. This allows us to perform different sequences of measurements with different ParameterSets later. Since we are not interested in the output of the module, we set the previously defined to_devnull as parameters for STDOUT and STDIN.
 # NetEm Tasks
    # NetEm - Rate - Emulator-P1
    netem_setup_enp0s9_rate_p1: &task_netem_setup_enp0s9_rate_p1
      module: amnes.modules.NetEm
        <<: *out_dest_devnull
        custom: "qdisc add dev enp0s9 root netem rate [[netem_p1_rate_enp0s9]]"
    netem_setup_enp0s10_rate_p1: &task_netem_setup_enp0s10_rate_p1
      module: amnes.modules.NetEm
        <<: *out_dest_devnull
        custom: "qdisc add dev enp0s10 root netem rate [[netem_p1_rate_enp0s10]]"
    # NetEm - Rate - Emulator-P2
    netem_setup_enp0s9_rate_p2: &task_netem_setup_enp0s9_rate_p2
      module: amnes.modules.NetEm
        <<: *out_dest_devnull
        custom: "qdisc add dev enp0s9 root netem rate [[netem_p2_rate_enp0s9]]"
    netem_setup_enp0s10_rate_p2: &task_netem_setup_enp0s10_rate_p2
      module: amnes.modules.NetEm
        <<: *out_dest_devnull
        custom: "qdisc add dev enp0s10 root netem rate [[netem_p2_rate_enp0s10]]"
    # NetEm - Delay - Emulator-P1
    netem_setup_enp0s9_delay_p1: &task_netem_setup_enp0s9_delay_p1
      module: amnes.modules.NetEm
        <<: *out_dest_devnull
        custom: "qdisc change dev enp0s9 root netem delay [[netem_p1_delay_enp0s9]]"
    netem_setup_enp0s10_delay_p1: &task_netem_setup_enp0s10_delay_p1
      module: amnes.modules.NetEm
        <<: *out_dest_devnull
        custom: "qdisc change dev enp0s10 root netem delay [[netem_p1_delay_enp0s10]]"
    # NetEm - Delay - Emulator-P2
    netem_setup_enp0s9_delay_p2: &task_netem_setup_enp0s9_delay_p2
      module: amnes.modules.NetEm
        <<: *out_dest_devnull
        custom: "qdisc change dev enp0s9 root netem delay [[netem_p2_delay_enp0s9]]"
    netem_setup_enp0s10_delay_p2: &task_netem_setup_enp0s10_delay_p2
      module: amnes.modules.NetEm
        <<: *out_dest_devnull
        custom: "qdisc change dev enp0s10 root netem delay [[netem_p2_delay_enp0s10]]"
    # NetEm - Cleanup
    netem_cleanup_enp0s9: &task_netem_cleanup_enp0s9
      module: amnes.modules.NetEm
        <<: *out_dest_devnull
        custom: "qdisc del dev enp0s9 root"
    netem_cleanup_enp0s10: &task_netem_cleanup_enp0s10
      module: amnes.modules.NetEm
        <<: *out_dest_devnull
        custom: "qdisc del dev enp0s10 root"
To transfer the random data for two minutes, we need additional tasks to start the iperf3 server and the client. For these tasks we use the IPerf module of AMNES and set the version software version to be used to 3 with a parameter. To ensure that the server is started before the client, a sleep parameter can be specified for the client in this module. The task will then be started after the specified number of seconds.
# IPerf Tasks
    .iperf_default: &task_iperf_defaults
      <<: *out_dest_files
      version: "3"
    iperf_server: &task_iperf_server
      module: amnes.modules.Iperf
        <<: *task_iperf_defaults
        custom: "-s"
        timeout: "130"
        timeouterr: "False"
    iperf_client: &task_iperf_client
      module: amnes.modules.Iperf
        <<: *task_iperf_defaults
        custom: "-c -t 120"
        timeout: "130"
        timeouterr: "False"
        sleep: "5"
For the configuration of different MPTCP schedulers and the network paths to be used we define two additional tasks, both using the ShellCommandBase module. This module can be used to execute arbitrary command line commands.
# Multipath
    multipath_interfaces: &task_multipath_interfaces
      module: amnes.modules.ShellCommandBase
        <<: *out_dest_devnull
        command: "ip link set dev enp0s3 multipath off && ip link set dev enp0s8 multipath off && sysctl -w net.mptcp.mptcp_checksum=0"
    multipath_scheduler: &task_multipath_scheduler
      module: amnes.modules.ShellCommandBase
        <<: *out_dest_devnull
        command: "sysctl -w net.mptcp.mptcp_scheduler=[[scheduler]]"
Finally, we need a separate task to execute the Sleep command. We will see the use of that later.
# Sleep
    sleep: &task_sleep
      module: amnes.modules.ShellCommandBase
        <<: *out_dest_devnull
        command: "sleep 3"

Template Configuration

Now that all tasks we want to use in our experiment are defined, we can create our template for a concrete experiment. In this part of the configuration the order of execution is defined by stages. All tasks assigned to the same stage can be executed in parallel and all defined stages are executed in a fixed order. This makes it very easy to model dependencies in the experiment execution process. We can now define the stages we need under the stages key.

# Template
    - Multipath-Setup
    - NetEm-Setup-Rate
    - NetEm-Setup-Delay
    - Iperf
    - NetEm-Cleanup
    - Sleep
Now we can define our final template by including the participating network devices as nodes. As well as the endpoint information (i.e. address and port) for the management of the controller, we specify all tasks to be executed and their assignment to the respective stage.
        address: ""
        port: 22022
          stage: Multipath-Setup
          <<: *task_multipath_interfaces
          stage: Multipath-Setup
          <<: *task_multipath_scheduler
          stage: Iperf
          <<: *task_tcpdump_enp0s9
          stage: Iperf
          <<: *task_tcpdump_enp0s10
          stage: Iperf
          <<: *task_iperf_server
          stage: Sleep
          <<: *task_sleep
        address: ""
        port: 22022
          stage: Multipath-Setup
          <<: *task_multipath_interfaces
          stage: Multipath-Setup
          <<: *task_multipath_scheduler
          stage: Iperf
          <<: *task_iperf_client
          stage: Sleep
          <<: *task_sleep
        address: ""
        port: 22022
          stage: NetEm-Setup-Rate
          <<: *task_netem_setup_enp0s9_rate_p1
          stage: NetEm-Setup-Rate
          <<: *task_netem_setup_enp0s10_rate_p1
          stage: NetEm-Setup-Delay
          <<: *task_netem_setup_enp0s9_delay_p1
          stage: NetEm-Setup-Delay
          <<: *task_netem_setup_enp0s10_delay_p1
          stage: NetEm-Cleanup
          <<: *task_netem_cleanup_enp0s9
          stage: NetEm-Cleanup
          <<: *task_netem_cleanup_enp0s10
        address: ""
        port: 22022
          stage: NetEm-Setup-Rate
          <<: *task_netem_setup_enp0s9_rate_p2
          stage: NetEm-Setup-Rate
          <<: *task_netem_setup_enp0s10_rate_p2
          stage: NetEm-Setup-Delay
          <<: *task_netem_setup_enp0s9_delay_p2
          stage: NetEm-Setup-Delay
          <<: *task_netem_setup_enp0s10_delay_p2
          stage: NetEm-Cleanup
          <<: *task_netem_cleanup_enp0s9
          stage: NetEm-Cleanup
          <<: *task_netem_cleanup_enp0s10

Adding ParameterSets

Since we have used placeholders in the definition of the NodeTasks, we can now perform different series of experiments with different ParameterSets. Within a ParameterSet, the cartesian product of all parameter assignments is formed and the template is executed once for each of these assignments. We use this possibility in our example experiment to compare scenarios with different network heterogeneity using different MPTCP schedulers.

    name: "Homogeneous"
      "scheduler": ["default", "redundant", "roundrobin"]
      "netem_p1_rate_enp0s9": ["5mibps"]
      "netem_p1_rate_enp0s10": ["5mibps"]
      "netem_p1_delay_enp0s9": ["10ms"]
      "netem_p1_delay_enp0s10": ["10ms"]
      "netem_p2_rate_enp0s9": ["5mibps"]
      "netem_p2_rate_enp0s10": ["5mibps"]
      "netem_p2_delay_enp0s9": ["10ms"]
      "netem_p2_delay_enp0s10": ["10ms"]
    name: "Heterogeneous Slow DSL"
      "scheduler": ["default", "redundant", "roundrobin"]
      "netem_p1_rate_enp0s9": ["5mibps"]
      "netem_p1_rate_enp0s10": ["5mibps"]
      "netem_p1_delay_enp0s9": ["10ms"]
      "netem_p1_delay_enp0s10": ["10ms"]
      "netem_p2_rate_enp0s9": ["2mibps"]
      "netem_p2_rate_enp0s10": ["2mibps"]
      "netem_p2_delay_enp0s9": ["20ms"]
      "netem_p2_delay_enp0s10": ["20ms"]
    name: "Heterogeneous UMTS Mobile Network"
      "scheduler": ["default", "redundant", "roundrobin"]
      "netem_p1_rate_enp0s9": ["5mibps"]
      "netem_p1_rate_enp0s10": ["5mibps"]
      "netem_p1_delay_enp0s9": ["10ms"]
      "netem_p1_delay_enp0s10": ["10ms"]
      "netem_p2_rate_enp0s9": ["50kibps"]
      "netem_p2_rate_enp0s10": ["50kibps"]
      "netem_p2_delay_enp0s9": ["20ms"]
      "netem_p2_delay_enp0s10": ["20ms"]

Data Extraction

After the experiment has been executed using the CLI, the collected files can be further processed and analyzed via the API-documented interface to the StorageBackend.